COVID Safety Policy
Our local and national COVID numbers have decreased significantly, all local and national restrictions have been lifted and the public health emergency has ended. Please keep in mind that the COVID pandemic was and is a constantly evolving situation and this policy may be updated according to the most recent available information. We are following local and CDC recommendations. Currently, Asheville has a low hospital admission level. For more info visit
Every attendee MUST be up to date on their vaccinations for the 2023-2024 season (meaning you have received either the Pfizer or Moderna Bivalent Booster in 2023 and/or the new monovalent vaccine that targets XBB.1.5) in order to attend Lindy Focus classes and dances. Proof of vaccination will be checked during registration check-in.If you cannot provide proof of vaccination it will be considered a cancellation with no notice and not eligible for a refund or deferment.
If you have a medical reason you can not get the vaccine please email with “Lindy Focus Vaccine Exception” as the subject and include a signed doctor’s note with your email.
If you have symptoms of illness and are sick at the time of the event, we ask that you not attend and email us at Even if you test negative for COVID, we don't want to spread other illnesses such as the flu, RSV, gastrointestinal viruses, etc. Your pass will be deferred to the following year in accordance with our illness cancellation policy.COVID POSITIVE OR EXPOSURE
If you test positive for COVID or are exposed to someone with COVID in the week leading up to the event, we ask that you refrain from attending and email us at Your pass will be refunded or deferred to the following year in accordance with our illness cancellation policy.MASK ETIQUETTE
If someone is masked at the event, we ask that you be mindful and offer to wear a mask if you plan on asking them to dance. If someone asks you to wear a mask before dancing with them, we ask you to honor that request. There may be certain activities, classes and events that will require masking.SICK AT EVENT
If you become sick at the event, please refrain from attending public activities (including dances, classes, and meetups) and take a COVID test.
If you test positive for COVID-19, you will not be allowed to attend the remainder of the event and will be asked to isolate yourself from other dancers as best you can; you will be refunded a prorated portion of your pass.
If you test negative, we will require you to mask at the remainder of the event as a precaution. Please email us at with any questions.
Masks are highly effective to avoid transmission and they are a great way to protect yourself. We HIGHLY encourage ALL attendees to wear masks in classes, social dances, and while socializing in the Hotel’s common areas. Certain classes, lectures, meetups, and other events at Lindy Focus may require masks to attend.COVID TESTS
Attendees are encouraged to take a COVID test 1-2 days before the event. We HIGHLY recommend wearing a mask while on public transportation/air travel leading up to the event to prevent becoming ill at the event. We also highly recommend bringing some COVID tests with you to Lindy Focus in the event you get sick while there.FLU VACCINE
COVID is not the only illness that can ruin our Lindy Focus; we highly recommend getting your annual flu shot to help protect yourself and others from Influenza.
Additional Safety Measures
We will have hand sanitizer at every door. Please wash your hands before a class or dance and utilize hand sanitizers/hand washing regularly throughout the event.
We will disinfect high touch surfaces on a regular basis.
We will have complimentary KN95 masks available at the Registration Desk, however we still encourage you to bring several of your own.
We will make sure that mask etiquette is followed and will remind attendees throughout the weekend.
We will have “Please mask around me” buttons available at the Registration Desk.
We will do our best to keep fans going and windows open for ventilation as much as possible. There is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public space where people are present. By redeeming tickets and attending Lindy Focus, you agree that entry is at your own risk and you voluntarily and expressly assume all risks associated with entry.
**This policy is subject to change as the pandemic continues to evolve. We will alert all attendees to any changes in our policy. While we aim to create the safest and healthiest environment for all of our attendees, there are inherent risks of catching COVID 19 and other illnesses when attending events. You must assess your own risk tolerance and if you decide to register, you agree to not hold Lindy Focus or any of its staff liable for contracting any illness.
Any and all questions can be emailed to
Proof of Vaccination
What types will be accepted?
Physical card:
Carry the physical card in your wallet or bag.
Take a picture of the physical card and store it on your phone.
Digital vaccine card:
Add your vaccination record to your Apple Wallet or Google Wallet. This is a convenient way to store your vaccine card on your phone.
Use a digital vaccine record app. There are a number of apps that allow you to store your vaccine card on your phone. These apps often have additional features, such as travel information and vaccine reminders.
Large pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens have your vaccination records attached to your online account, and provide either a QR code, a digital badge, or an online view of your records.
Vaccine record print out:
Ask your healthcare provider for a print out of your vaccination records.
Large pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens have your vaccination records attached to your online account, and you can simply print out a copy of your records.
Vaccination passport:
Some states and countries offer digital vaccination passports. These passports can be used to prove vaccination status for travel or other purposes.
Have another type of proof not listed here? Let us know at
Get your covid vaccination pre-approved via email!
Send a photo/copy of your covid vaccination record to with the subject "Covid Proof." This'll let you skip the registration line on arrival, unless you’ve got some cool merch to pick up.
Please note: Submitting your vaccine record through email is optional and voluntary. We will hold onto the emails until the event is complete and then delete them.
Vaccination Records
What if I don’t have my vaccine record on hand?
Contact your vaccination provider: The best place to start is to contact the healthcare provider or pharmacy where you received your COVID-19 vaccine(s). They should be able to provide you with a copy of your vaccination record or direct you to a portal where you can access it online.
Access your state's immunization information system (IIS): Many states have online immunization information systems (IIS) that allow you to access your vaccination records. To find your state's IIS, visit the CDC's website and search for "immunization records" and your state name.
If you need help, you can contact your state's health department.
Use a smartphone app: Several smartphone apps can help you access your COVID-19 vaccination records. Some popular options include MyIR Mobile, My Vaccine Record, and Docket.
Get Vaccinated
Get your 2023-2024 flu and Covid-19 vaccinations by December 12, 2023 for full coverage at Lindy Focus ‘23.
COVID-19 Vaccines
COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and free with insurance. Everyone 6 months and older can get an updated COVID-19 vaccine. Learn more.
Why get vaccinated? COVID-19 vaccine can prevent COVID-19 disease. Vaccination can help reduce the severity of COVID-19 disease if you get sick. Learn more.
Flu Vaccines
Flu vaccines are not required, but are strongly recommended.
Getting a flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine at the same visit is safe & recommended if you are eligible and the timing for each vaccine is right. Learn more.